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"What Ever Happened To***" is designed to provide a place for Sappers to contact fellow Sappers whom they have lost contact with over the years. Requests must be kept short and contain the submittals name and email address. This web site will not conduct searches for individuals, and responses should go directly to the submittals address. Entries will be posted for a minimum of two months. The web master reserves the right to refuse items that do not fall within the scope of this web site.


Bill Stone is putting on a drive to locate missing Sapper Apprentices .There were 847 apprentices that went through the two year program. To date, we have located and have addresses for 294. 62 are known deceased. This year alone we have found 17 lost souls. There are 492 still missing
Any names and addresses of staff members not listed are also requested.

The names of missing Apprentices as well as those deceased are listed on the Sapper Apprentice Web Site at Bill Stone

Looking to Contact WW II RCE Vets of the Italian Campaign

A gentleman is researching the WW II actions of his late father, Major George Hamilton, who was a Royal Canadian Engineer veteran of the Italian Campaign. Capt Hamilton arrived in Italy as 2i/c of 13 Fd Coy in Nov 1943. In May 44 he was as transferred to 4 Fd Coy as 2i/c but then almost immediately was attached to 1 Fd Sqn during the Liri Valley operations. In Jun 44 he was transferred to HQ 1 Corps near Rome and then was appointed as CO of 9 Fd Pk Coy where he was involved in operations on the Gothic Line and Rimini. In October he was transferred to the UK as an instructor and held this responsibility until his demobilization in Jun 45 and return to Canada.

We would like to contact any RCE vets of the Italian Campaign who were part of the operations of 1 Fd Sqn, 4 Fd Coy, 9 Fd Pk Coy and 13 Fd Coy during the Italian Campaign.
Please contact LCol Ken Holmes (Ret'd) at if you are one of these individuals or can think of another Sapper who might be of help in this research.

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